On eResponse, if “(service complete)” appears next to your status, you do NOT need to report to the courthouse and have been excused for at least 2 years. If your reporting time is in the morning (AM), you MUST visit eresponse.mecknc.gov or call the automated juror line at 877-649-7133 after 5:30 PM the evening before your scheduled report date to determine if you must attend. If your reporting time is in the afternoon (PM), please check after 12:00 PM (NOON) on your report date to determine if you must attend. Visit www.nccourts.gov/meckcountyjury to watch the orientation videos and review COVID-19 screening and protective measures. If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, DO NOT REPORT TO THE COURTHOUSE, and notify our office immediately by email (jurymanagementoffice@mecklenburgcountync.gov) or phone (877-649-7133). For excusal or disqualification requests, supporting documentation is required and should be submitted by email or fax (1-866-228-9046). Note: You assume all risks associated with transmitting any confidential or personal information over email.
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